Friday Flick: Hunting Bedded Bucks

Sometimes it takes getting just a little bit closer. And there is no one better at it that Dan Infalt, owner and operator of The Hunting Beast. In this week’s Friday Flick: Hunting Bedded Bucks, Dan shows us the hard work and preparation that goes into locating and setting up on mature bucks in their beds. And how everything can go perfect to plan, then in a blink of an eye it can all become a disaster.

Infalt, producer of the Bedded Bucks instructional DVD s, writer, and podcaster, is possibbly one of the most successful public land hunters with over 30 Pope and Young whitetails to his credit. His specialty is hunting where no one else is willing to go; into the deer’s bed. You can find more of his videos on YouTube at Extreme Whitetail Tactics.



Check out last week’s Friday Flick: The Buck Nest

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