Friday Flick: Greatest Whitetail Fight

Did you hear? Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather are going to fight. Of course you did. No one can turn on their television anywhere in the world from the South China Sea to the jungles of Columbia without seeing the latest promotion, press conference, or rehearsed bantering between the two. Pundits are predicting this fight could be the greatest the world has ever seen.

First let me get something off my chest. This fight is not even the biggest fight boxing has ever seen. It will not hold a candle to the “Rumble in the Jungle” or the “Thrilla in Manila.” Secondly, its amazing how the narrow perspective that humans are the only species on this planet that fight. In honor of this absurdity this week’s Friday Flick is two heavy weights locking horns (literally), in possibly the greatest whitetail fight ever recorded on camera.

Midwest Whitetail pro staffer Jared Mills can only film, and noticeably breathe heavy, as these two giant Iowa deer fight over dominance and breeding rights. Without the $90 pay per view, sit back and enjoy the greatest whitetail fight of all time.

Make sure you check out last Friday Flick: MeatEater vs Vegan.


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