Friday Flicks: How Wolves Change Rivers

You have made it to the end of the work week! You deserve to sit back slip off your shoes, put your feet up and relax for a few minutes to celebrate. At Hunter Angler Conservationist, we have decided to celebrate with you with the first installment of Friday Flicks. An interesting and fun weekly video we will share that is focused around hunting, fishing and conservation. This weeks video is titled “ How Wolves Change Rivers.”

This video brought to you by Sustainable Man production does an amazing job depicting the complexities of managing ecosystems, in particular the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. While some will argue that this video may be evidence to stop all forms of hunting and trapping of iconic predators, the project to reintroduce wolves to the Yellowstone was made possible through the monetary funds collected from license sales for hunting, fishing and trapping as well as money from the Pittman-Robertson Act. Proving once again hunting, fishing, and trapping is conservation.

“How Wolves Change Rivers,” has been floating around YouTube for a number of years, but if you haven’t had the chance to see it, it’s worth watching. If you are interested in advocating for conservation here is an article that we had previously published that lays out a simple three step process to do just that.

Enjoy the flick.

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